'portrait of 3 ladies sitting at a cafe'

© sonia esposito
(sketch. melbourne winter 2009)
the ladies sketched in this drawing are 65 years of age+. age is not the observation but the evolution of human social networks alongside the greater mechanics of the everyday. the mystery of connection and disconnection over time - between people and the universal environment. geometric shapes are of interest to me, replacing parts of the human figure, and in particular the head representing a meeting of minds or a patchwork of human fabric weaving.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Basics "Better" MUSIC VIDEO 2010

VIEWING LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tToDOhwN-uI
Director/Camera/Editor: Sonia Esposito

ABC 'Home & Hosed' Blog Editorial
10 Sept - Dom Alessio
"This week's Film Clip Friday can barely be contained! There are just so many awesome new videos around at the moment that I couldn't just limit it to three."

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